Take the stress out of finding a driving test with an intensive driving course

Box Junctions

How Not to Get the Box Junction Blues

Passing your test doesn’t mean that you stop learning, or remember everything that you have learned during an intensive period of time.

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What Do You Think About Learner Drivers on Motorways?

Isn’t it worth being taught a lesson about motorway driving with a qualified instructor, before doing it for the first time on your own?

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What’s All the Fuss About Fuel?

Always wondered what the fuss is about when it comes to buying fuel and the difference between buying from a supermarket or a petrol station?

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6 Top Tips When Buying a Second Hand Car for the First Time

6 Top Tips When Buying a Second Hand Car for the First Time. Great advice from A Pass 4 U Driving School on your 1st car

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Should First Aid Be Part of the Driving Test?

Would you feel more competent on the road if you were to complete a four-hour basic first aid course as part of your driving test?

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Can You Face the Consequences?

Please take a moment to watch this video and see the havoc a person can cause by using a mobile phone while driving.

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12 Top Tips for Driving Abroad in Continental Europe

We are at the beginning of the UK’s Brexit from Europe, so this might be a good time to offer a few tips on driving abroad.

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Woop Woop it’s the Sound of the Police

I’ve travelled a fair bit across our globe and one of the nosiest countries I’ve encountered so far for emergency vehicle sirens is the UK.

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10 Tips on Passing the UK Driving Theory Test

10 essential tips to help you pass the UK driving theory test. Practical advice, resources, and strategies for success in your theory.

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10 Q&A’s on the Highway Code

The questions in the multiple-choice part and format of the hazard perception part depend on what kind of vehicle you want to drive.

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