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12 Top Tips for Driving Abroad in Continental Europe

We are at the beginning of the UK’s Brexit from Europe, so this might be a good time to offer a few tips on driving abroad.

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Where Would You Like to Travel with Your Driving Licence?

When you can drive abroad, you have the potential of seeing so much more of the world than you would if you could only go on a bus or train.

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car bulb working

The Connection Between Your Driving Test and Your Car MOT

There is an obvious connection between your car and taking a driving test, that connection is your driving licence.

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Check Your Tyres!

A tyre is the only part of a car which has contact with the road. The tread of a tyre is designed to provide maximum grip on the road.

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A Car Becomes a Smoke free Place for the Under 18’s from the 1st Oct 2015

Private vehicles must be smoke-free if they are enclosed, there is more than one person present, and one of them is under 18.

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Smart Motorways : Red X Means The Lane Closed

‘Red “X” means don’t use that lane’ is one of the messages drivers will see when using a SMART Motorway in the UK.

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Be Prepared – What to Keep in a Winter Emergency Kit

As a young new driver, it is worth considering being prepared in the car for winter when the cold weather finally comes around.

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Why Do I Need A Driving Licence?

Have you ever wondered exactly what the driving licence is actually for. Why is there both a photo id card and a paper counterpart?

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