Take the stress out of finding a driving test with an intensive driving course

Fresher Fayre 2014

Some of the ladies from APass4U at Southend College Freshers Fayre meeting the students and giving them advice on how to get on the road.

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Road Safety at for King Edmund and Greensward 2014

APass4U provide a Road Safety event at Belchamps Scout Centre for King Edmunds School in Rochford and Greensward Academy in Hockley.

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Passed Pupils – Connor Rogers – Southend on Sea

Congratulations to Conor Rogers who has passed 1st time with Julian Hyams at Southend. Good luck with your exam results later also!

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Jess’ Driving Diary [Part 9] – Dealing With Traffic

Unfortunately due to heavy traffic we spent a fair bit of time in jams. Sometimes this is not always a bad thing.

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Slow Down

New Zealand use a hard hitting advert to show you why you should slow down and many of the reason are apt for Great Britain

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Jess’ Driving Diary [Part 8] – Turning in the Road

From the start Jess was doing a lot better than the last 2 lessons, the little mistakes she had made recently had been corrected.

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Jess’ Driving Diary [Part 7] – A Loss of Confidence

This was another recap lesson. I needed to get the basic skills back before moving on to something more complicated.

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Passed Pupils – Ollie Conroy – Southend on Sea

Southend saw some outstanding driving recently when Ollie Conroy took his driving test and passed with just 2 minor driving faults.

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Jess’ Driving Diary [Part 6] – Driving Whilst Tired Causes Mistakes

Jess went down the same route as she had on the previous lesson but Jess was making mistakes she wouldn’t normally make.

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A Day in the Life of a Driving Instructor

As a pupil, what do you know about what goes on for your Instructor before arriving at your door. Here at A Pass 4 U, we thought we would offer a little insight into what goes on in a typical day. A driving instructors day can begin and end at any time – it just […]

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