Take the stress out of finding a driving test with an intensive driving course

Kelly Dellahunty passes her driving test in Sidcup

Passed Pupils – Kelly Dellahunty – Sidcup

Well done to Kelly Dellahunty who passed her driving test today in Sidcup with just 5 minors. Congrats Kelly!

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Karl Christian-Law passes his driving test in Brentwood

Passed Pupils – Karl Christian-Law – Brentwood

Congratulations to Karl Christian-Law who passed his driving test in Brentwood this week with his driving instructor Kealey Fursedonn.

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Jeremys Family

Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft Driving Crash Courses

Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft are towns very well known in East Anglia’s holiday destinations but were originally both fishing towns.

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micro car

New Driving Licences Come Into Force 19/01/2013

Under new EU rules we will have a single type of driving licence with the states flag distinguishing which country the person is from.

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